Welcome to UNIOSUN Teaching Hospital, Osogbo

Dental Surgery

Special procedures, investigative or therapeutic

Procedure Description
Periapical xray Xrays to be taken for fractured,painful and impacted teeth in all ages
Tooth filling When there is a hole on a tooth that is asymptomatic..or has very mild pain
Tooth extraction When a tooth is badly broken down or the hole has gone beyond the dentine(the second layer of teeth) When a tooth is very mobile When a tooth is extremely painful with abscess formation
Desensitization of teeth When a tooth is sensitive to cold or hot drinks..sensitive to influx of cold air into the mouth
Veneering and building up of teeth When the tooth is broken at the edge or around middle third of the crown. When the tooth is discolored
Splinting of teeth When the tooth is loosened as a result of trauma

Average number of patient visits per month

Between 120-150 patients